tisdag 12 juni 2007

Kille träffade Axl igår.

En kille sprang på Axl igår kväll, hans brev kan du läsa nedan. För övrigt så vill jag ha tag i en likadan jacka som Axl har här, ser jävligt skön ut! Så om du funderar på min nästa julklapp, eller bara allmänt vill tillbedja mig, så vet du vad du ska köpa!

Ok what better way to top off the weekend. First my footy team won, second the other local footy time (that I hate) lost by one point. Then I went to the GN'R concert on Sunday night. Perfect weekend!!! Well it just got waaaay better last night. A mate and I managed to meet Axl and get a photo and a couple of autographs!!!! We also met the rest of the band through the course of the night. I managed to get Axl to autograph my sealed copy of Live Like a Suicide. I also managed to get a drum head signed by Axl, Robin, Dizzy, Tommy, Richard. I missed out on BBF even though he was right there, we were a little star struck with Axl and they had walked off before - before we realised what had happened.

I felt like a bit of a dick for not asking BBF.
Basically, Axl turned up with BBF, Beta, Vanessa and a couple of other people. So we got the autograph and photo then let them go then realised we hadn't asked BBF - damn! Saw Del James there too and also met Fernando. We sat chatting to their two drivers for a couple of hours about various stuff while we had a few drinks (not the drivers) and waited for band members to come past so we could get a quick autograph. The drivers told us a bit of stuff (although they were professional and didn't reveal anything personal) just some general stuff about what they had been doing etc. Apparently Del did mentioned the new album to one of them. Anyhow, I was wrapped with how obliging Axl was. He was very humble and very softly spoken he also cracked a couple of jokes. I am about 6 foot tall and my mate is about 6" 4'. When I was taking the photo of those two, Axl joked that we need to get Angry Anderson here because at least Axl is taller than Angry. My mate says to Axl "I have been waiting 20 years for this moment" - lol We obviously complimented them on what a great time we had and how good the show was. Axl laughed and said it wasn't too bad for a band that hadn't released an album and a singer that can't sing.

My mate said how crap the Burswood Dome was for holding concerts and how the pressurised interior of the Dome causes problems, Axl said he hadn't realised until afterwards that it was pressurised. He mentioned that it was causing him some problems while singing so he was fiddling with his earpiece trying to work out what was going on.
My mate also cheekily said "whats the deal, you didn't play Rocket Queen last night". Axl just laughed. Anyhow, that's about it. Enjoy the pics, I can't wait for the 2 Melbourne concerts now I fly over there tomorrow.

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