tisdag 24 april 2007

Robins meddelande till fansen

Följande finns att läsa på Robins hemsida.

I'm writing now in the wake of the recently postponed and cancelled GNR commitments in Japan and South Africa. I guess I'm writing because I too am disappointed, have a conscience, a website, and I am not on the Bullet Train to Osaka this evening. I purely want to share with those whom were avid for seeing GNR at these concerts that I too was looking forward to seeing you all. The band was primed and pumped, production packed and shipped. Then, much to our distress, unforeseen circumstance walked in, dropped its surly case and announced with certainty, "I'm here! ". What can we do. I have received innumerable emails from real people who where hooking up with friends or family, flying to faraway cities, booking hotels or friend's couches, docking the USS Kitty Hawk, and otherwise scheduling their time and enthusiasm around these events. In short, these peeps wuz straight stung adrenalized and lettin' me square have it! I too was psyched about the shows, planning to meet friends and family, watch the cherry blossom blossom etc. It is my wish that your bounce forward from here be one of a willful arc and opportunity. Believe me, I'm swallowing that very pill by your side. Well, I'm not gonna go on with this letter, this letter to you who've sent me. I think you catch my drift. Best of spirits to you all and I sincerely wish for you a successful trip ahead. Have fun wherever you are- r ob i n


1 kommentar:

Steve McKagan sa...

Han avslöjade ju inte så mycket nytt. Tänk om det kommer en bok nån gång om vad som exakt har hänt de senaste 10 åren i GNR...så mycket oförklarade saker.