tisdag 13 mars 2007

Better på radio

Den senaste versionen av Better, som jag lade upp här för någon vecka sedan, har spelats en del på vissa radiostationer i USA. Detta har nu fått Guns N' Roses skivbolag att reagera. Såhär skriver dom:

March 12, 2007
The truth about 'Better'

By Doug Miller / GunsNRoses.com

The song "Better" has been receiving airplay across the country, but there is no official single release. No one seems to know where the song came from or how it got out. Did Guns N’ Roses purposely leak the track?

"Here’s what I know," keyboardist Dizzy Reed explains to GunsNRoses.com. "We were doing a commercial with Harley-Davidson. Harley was going to do a version using 'Paradise City' and another version using 'Better.' Their Web site even had a version up for like one day with 'Better,' but the version of 'Better' that they had was an unfinished, unapproved demo.

That’s why it was removed. The version that’s getting airplay is that same demo.
"Our understanding of how that happened is that an experimental edit using 'Better' in place of 'Paradise City' was somehow accidentally mislabeled as the 'Paradise City' Harley-Davidson video/commercial and was inadvertently released on the internet.

We believe the 'leak' came from this source tape and someone with access to it.
"For the record, absolutely none of the songs that have been leaked have come from the band or our organization. None of the songs that have been leaked are anything more than demo versions, works in progress. No final mixes. "It’s really frustrating working on something as hard as we have and then having it wind up on the Internet before it’s finished. Hearing a demo on the radio really sucks."

1 kommentar:

Steffi sa...

Varför skulle dom skicka en ofärdig singel att användas som reklamlåt till ett multimiljon-företag? Och att fel etikett på skivorna gjorde att better lades upp på HD's hemsida... yeah right.

Ge oss bara ett datum!!