torsdag 15 februari 2007

Intervju med Bumblefoot

Gjord av det polska forumet Nightrain Station.

HEY! Answered what I could. I don't like to talk about other band members, it makes me uncomfortable, I feel like it makes things awkward between me and whoever I'm talking about, so I didn't answer any of those kinds of questions.... (feel free to mention that along with the answers, if you want...) Smiley

1. First, we would like to ask you how you got to GNR, how did you react to their proposal of your playing in the band and how did your friends and family react to this news?

Started to talking with them in the Summer of 2004, really appreciated that they would consider me for the group. Things picked up in 2006, and here we are! Smiley

2. What kind of emotions did accompany you just before the first concert as a GN'R member and what reaction from the audience did you expect?

I expected people to chant the names of old guitarists, haha!! Mostly I was concerned about remembering the songs! Was still learning them a few hours before going on stage...!

3. What was your first impression upon meeting Axl and the rest of the guys for the first time?

I feel like a douche when I talk about other bandmembers, makes me feel like I'm analyzing them and objectifying them, so I'm not gonna say much for those kinds of questions, other than that they're all great, happy to have them (and all of you!) in my life. Smiley

4. Which song is in your opinion the most challenging while playing it alive?

Better, because of the backing vocals - to go from moving around the stage to stopping in front of the mic singing long high notes without a lot of breathing, feels like my heart's gonna explode by the end of it!!

5. What idols did you have when you were starting your 'adventure' with the guitar? Who did you model on?

The band KISS inspired me to start playing music. And the Beatles. But it was Van Halen that really made me get serious about guitar.

6. How do you evaluate yourself in comparison to the best guitarists? On what do think you still need to work as a guitarist?

I need work, on everything! The beautiful thing about playing music is that it's an endless road ahead, there's no limit to how far you can go. In that respect, no matter how far you go, you can always learn and improve.

7. What was the strangest costume you had to play in ever?

Once, while singing with friends in a cover band in the early 90s, I wore a big sweatsuit and stuffed it full of 20 sweaters, so I looked like I was 400 pounds, and played a show like that, rolling on the ground, bouncing off the walls. What a mess.

8. What are the rules for distributing particular solos to the present GN'R guitarists.?

No rules, we just feel it out, and say "Hey, you wanna grab that solo? Cool..."

9. Does it make a big difference for you who plays on drums: Brain or Frank?

They both kick ass... Smiley

10. Do you know how's Brian and his family? Have you talked to him recently?

Been a while, last we spoke all's well Smiley

11. What is you attitude to the fact that there are 3 guitarists and 2 keyboarders in the band? I'm asking cause it's not very frequent.

I look at it like there's nothing we won't be able to do musically. So many possibilities, ya know? Smiley

12. Are there any chances that Axl will sing Don't Cry during your solo?

haha, I don't know... Tongue

13. How would you describe GN'R as a band? Hard-working or 'fun-loving'

Both. VERY hard-working, VERY fun-loving Smiley

14. How does the cooperation with the rest of the band look like 'behind the scenes'? Do you meet often except for the concerts?

We hang out - spent Christmas with Frank and his family, would hang every day with bandmembers and crew during the tour...

15. Is there a democracy in GN'R or perhaps a chinese democracy?

Totally - everyone has freedom to be who they are, and are supportive of each other Smiley

16. Which concert during the tour was the best and why was it the gig in Poland?

The WARSAW gig of course! Because it was in Poland! Smiley

17. Do you remember anything from you stay in Poland and from the gig?

The roses in the venue - it was beautiful Smiley And a fantastic Mexican restaurant across from the hotel - they had this black bean soup that just kicked ass! Frank said it was just like his mom's - it's funny, we were saying that we found the best Mexican food in Poland...

18. We've heard about your Polish roots. If it's true, can you tell us a few words about it? Have any experience with Polish people?

My grandparents are from there, relocated from Lithuania - don't know much about my family's history, lost a lot of them in WWII. Metal Mike from Sebastian Bach's band, he's Polish and was so happy to play Warsaw, was very happy for him. Smiley

19. If you will work on some kind of project other from GN'R in future, will you ask Chris Pittman for help?

Anyone from the band is welcome Smiley

20. Did you come back to the univeristy after finishing the tour? If you did, then what was the reaction of your students?

Not yet, but spoke to my boss there a few days ago, just catching up on things. Going to visit the school for a day, very soon Smiley

21. Where did you get that red cap you performed in?

I don't know! I wish I knew, I'd get more of them... I think I got it while touring France ten years ago...

22. What do you think about Velvet Revolver. Do you like their music?

(nothing against VR, but don't wanna say anything about them...)

23. Can you describe each of GN'R members in a few words (including you of course)

Not gonna talk about the other guys, other than that I look forward to seeing them in a few months! And look forward to seeing all of you again! Cheesy


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