Så säger det själva i allafall. Singeln har börjats spela på radion världen över, även i svenska stationer. Det kan vara så att skivan släpps i år. Jag vågar dock inte släppa fram den där bubblande glädjen ännu, eftersom vad som helst kan hända i Guns N' Roses-världen. Men nog blir man lite anspänd!
Du kan lyssna på Chinese Democracy-singeln på deras officiella hemsida:
fredag 24 oktober 2008
måndag 21 april 2008
Vilka är i bandet egentligen?
Idag postades det här på Guns N' Roses officiella hemsida:
Robin's plans caught everyone in Guns, as well as our fans, a bit off-guard.
Really, Del James' private e-mail that someone took upon themselves to post publicly is the best way for us to address things at this time: "Only Robin knows what Robin's doing."
Neither we nor management, etc., know any more in this regard and we prefer not to speculate or offer opinions at this time.
Robin's Robin. We're in negotiations for the release of "Chinese Democracy" and things are going well.
When we begin to put tour plans together, we'll see where things are. Until then, Robin's touring with NIN and we're working with management on our game plans.
Our thanks to those who continue to show their support.
Guns N' Roses
Inte ens bandet själva vet alltså om Robin fortfarande är en medlem av Guns N' Roses. Ooooooookej.
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torsdag 17 april 2008
Utlottning av biljetter
Två våningar, två scener. Welcome to the jungle!
Lena Malmborg
Kalle Martindahl (Charlie Emm)
Dave Nerge (Rockklassiker)
The Queen of Hard Rock
Erik Brodén
Johan Bergqvist (The Genuine Fakes)
Linus Carlsson
Isak Eriksson
Johan Liedström (Beef Club)
Richie Puss
Daniel Da Silva
Morty Fake
Jailbait, med Simon och Michel i spetsen.
Roots Of Guns Upstairs – feat Stevie Klasson och The Virtues
Vi kör ett set med GN'R Lies och sedan ett “Artist Choice” med gästernas favoriter!
Vi som var där förra gången kan garantera att ni inte blir besvikna! Thorells Syndrom är riktigt duktiga på det dom gör!
Nu till den bästa biten, vill du ha en gratis biljett till festen? Maila mig då på
stefan.helm@gmail.com så drar jag några lyckliga vinnare!
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onsdag 2 april 2008
Last Fight
Nu är det över.
Scotts mailade MTV sitt svar till världen efter att ha brutit med bandet.
"After reading the comment by Duff, Matt, Dave and the illustrious 'Guitar Hero,' Saul Hudson, a.k.a. Slash, I find it humorous that the so-called four 'founding members' of Velvet Revolver, better known to themselves as 'the Project' before I officially named the band, would decide to move on without me after I had already claimed the group dead in the water on March 20 in Glasgow," Weiland explained. "In response to Slash's comment regarding my commitment [to the band], I have to say it is a blatant and tired excuse to cover up the truth. The truth of the matter is that the band had not gotten along on multiple levels for some time. On a musical level, there were moments of joy, inspiration, fun ... at times. But let's not forget the multiple trips to rehab every member of the band had taken (with the exception of one member — no need to mention his name).
"Personally speaking, I choose to look forward to the future and performing with a group of friends I have known my entire life, people who have always had my back," Weiland continued. "This also speaks to my commitment to my music and my fellow bandmates in [Stone Temple Pilots] and to the fans who I feel would much rather watch a group of musicians who enjoy being together as opposed to a handful of discontents who at one time used to call themselves a gang."
In conclusion, Weiland warned fans not to be "fooled by veiled trickery," and even wished Velvet Revolver his best. "Good hunting, lads — I think Sebastian Bach would be a fantastic choice."
Hoppas resten av gänget håller ihop. Kanske kommer Axl att lira med grabbarna igen, men med största sannolikhet kommer detta inte att ske. Håll åtminstone inte andan medan du väntar. Lämna gärna en kommentar om vem du tycker borde ta över efter Scott! Personligen skulle jag kunna tänka mig John Corabi, eller kanske Chris Cornell. Helst ser jag dock ett helt ny förmåga. Eller ja, Axl allra helst.
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Scott Weiland lämnar Velvet Revolver
Detta kan vara ett tamt aprilskämt, men det verkar dock inte så.
Velvet Revolver founding members Slash, Duff McKagan, Matt Sorum and Dave Kushner announced today that they are parting ways with singer Scott Weiland. "This band is all about its fans and its music and Scott Weiland isn't 100% committed to either," said Slash. "Among other things, his increasingly erratic on-stage behavior and personal problems have forced us to move on."
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torsdag 27 mars 2008
Axl lämnade idag ett meddelande på den officiella hemsidan!
We are surprised and very happy to have the support of Dr Pepper with our album "Chinese Democracy," as for us, this came totally out of the blue. If there is any involvement with this promotion by our record company or others, we are unaware of such at this time. And as some of Buckethead's performances are on our album, I'll share my Dr Pepper with him.
Axl Rose
Vi har inte hört något från bandet på evigheter men detta svarar han direkt på, det krävs tydligen lite sötsaker för att locka fram nyheter.
Inte så mycket att analysera i texten dock. Axl hintar åt att albumet ska släppas 2008, vilket vi alla såklart bör vara väldigt skeptiska till. Han bekräftar även att Buckethead kommer att vara med på skivan, bra tycker jag, killen kan spela!
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Gratis läsk till alla i USA
Om Chinese Democracy kommer ut under 2008!
Artikel från Spinner.com
Dr. Pepper is imploring Axl Rose to put out his album that's been an astounding 17 years in the making. The creators of the curiously candy-like beverage have promised that if Rose releases Guns N' Roses' 'Chinese Democracy' at any point in 2008, everyone in America will receive a free can of Dr. Pepper.
But free soda aside, the best part about the proposal might just be the way the company is not only relating to, but sympathizing with, the 46-year-old singer. "It took a little patience to perfect Dr Pepper's special mix of 23 ingredients that our fans have come to know and love," said Jaxie Alt, director of marketing for Dr. Pepper -- not even blinking at her nod to the band's 1989 hit 'Patience.' "So we completely understand and empathize with Axl's quest for perfection -- for something more than the average album." What's more? The "everyone" in their promise comes with a big, wickedly funny asterisk: According to the Dr., both Slash and Buckethead will be left off the gift list. Bet they didn't see that coming.
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måndag 24 mars 2008
Velvet Revolver på väg mot splittring?
21 Mars. Scott Weiland (sångaren i Velvet Revolver) säger till publiken, och resten av bandets, förvåning: "You're watching something special... the last tour by VELVET REVOLVER." Scott går även av scenen en lång stund, och kommer tillbaka halvvägs in i "It's So Easy"
Han skickar senare följande brev till Blabbermouth:
"Responding to our drummer's [Matt Sorum] rant about why the band is in a state of flux: "Well, first of all, the state of my family affairs is really none of his business, since he is too immature to have a real relationship, let alone children. So don't attempt to stand in a man's shoes when you haven't walked his path. Secondly, 'keeping rock 'n' roll alive?' I've made many attempts to remain cordial with the members of VR, but mainly, the likes of you. Funny though — this is your FIRST band, as opposed to being a hired gun. I've been making records (now on my ninth), which have sold over 35 million copies worldwide and have maintained a level of professionalism regardless of how many drugs I've ingested into my system. I have only cancelled one tour during the entire course of my 16-year run and that was the 'make-up' Australia tour. Now, shall I open that can of worms, Matthew? Release the Kraken? Serve... Volley! You cancelled the Aussie tour in the fall because you went to rehab, but I won't say why… we'll just let Blabbermouth find out for themselves. "As for our fans — I will sweat, bruise, and bleed for you. And will continue to do so until the end of this tour. However, you deserve to hear VELVET REVOLVER playing… not certain individuals singing along to get a muddied up sound. God forbid — could one imagine if I grabbed a guitar and started soloing along with Slash? That would never happen because I know my place. It's a shame… we were a gang. But ego and jealousy can get the better of anyone. I wish the best and plan to annihilate the stage in the last few shows. "On a separate note, we did an STP [STONE TEMPLE PILOTS] photo shoot before this tour and it was fun, inspiring and it gave me that thrill — that feeling that got my rocks off from the get-go."
Undrar hur detta slutar? Stay Tuned.
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torsdag 6 mars 2008
GNR-fest i Stockholm 30 april!
GN'R Lies firar 20 år! Det är samtidigt den andra Guns N' Roses-festen på Stampen i Stockholm. Den 30 april är det dags och det är två våningar innehållande husband med gästartister. Husbandet är fd Foxey (vi har inte deras nya namn ännu), gästartister presenteras inom kort. Det är återigen Thorells Syndrom som är arrangörer. Vi återkommer med mer information.
Thorells Syndrom
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söndag 10 februari 2008
Granne tackar Axl för att ha räddat hennes hus från brand
För ett tag sedan så brann det utav bara helvete i Malibu i närheten av Axls hus. Den här kvinnan berättar om hur Axl tillsammans med en brandman räddade hennes hus.
Hälften rockstjärna, hälften superhjälte, vilken karl.
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